Ok.... I'm finished! I've finished porting OpenBOR to the PS3/Ubuntu setup. Incase you guys don't know what OpenBOR is... Its very custimizable engine that is used for recreating old side-scrolling bashers. Streets of Rage, Final FIght and so on... The original creators of the BOR engine can be found here:
http://www.senileteam.com and the official OpenBOR site is
http://www.lavalit.com (my site).
So all you guys need to do if you want to check it out is the following:
Grab the source here:
svn co https://openbor.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/openbor
Required Libs prior to compilation: libSDL, libSDL_gfx, LibSDL_mixer, LibSDL_image, zlib and libpng.
Automated Building type:
Manual Building type:
source environ.sh 4
If you have used the automated process then under releases directory you will have a LINUX folder, Go to my site (
www.lavalit.com - registration required) and download a few mods aka pak files and place them in the Paks folder.
If you did not use the automated build system then create the following directories along side of the executable (case sensitive):
Paks, Logs, Saves, ScreenShots
Place the xbox/data/menu.pak into the Paks directory and the mods you downloaded from my site (
www.lavalit.com - registration required) also into the Paks directory.
Note: Make sure all the directories have 777 for permissions.
Now you are ready for some good old school bashing! With Golden Axe - Remake I get 166 fps @ 480x272. Now obviously its not PS3 optimized (Waiting for PS3SDK from this great site here!) but compared to my PSP optimized port (120 fps @ the same resolution). Not too shaby since Ubuntu does run rather slow on PS3.
Thank you to all that helped me with the Big Endian suggestions and that great tool for watching memory.