(first post!)
I'm in the process of planning a port of a lightweight pop3 client to the PSP, and have been giving some thought to a reliable text input method thats easy on the fingers, rather rapid and most of all user friendly.
So there i was with the wife the other night, and she's busy txt'ing her friends, holding our phone with both hands (n7650) and hammering away with her thumbs..thats when i got the idea..
Whats people thoughts about a text entry system where the D-Pad and the action keys are mapped ABC DEF GHI etc etc...shoulder buttons would be shift/space/enter etc depending one sequence they are pressed...
I'd appreciate any serious comments other forum members have to offer..
Thanks in advance..
A Standard Key input method ?
Duplicate of http://forums.ps2dev.org/viewtopic.php?t=2506 locked
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