I've done some tests yesterday using the IPU to do YUV to RGB conversion. The IPU part works, I send the YUV data and the correct RGB data comes out, but it's not interleaved.
I write 0x00040024 (transfer 4 qw, skip 0x24 qw) to the D_SQWC register, and start the transfer writing 0x108 to the CHCR (channel-3).
Is the interleave mode only for transfers from/to scratchpad? as the ee-manual says "Interleave mode can perform DMA transfer between main memory and scratchpad memory", or is this meant as an example and I'm missing something else?
I found a solution for the problem. First I transfer the data from IPU to SPR, then interleaved from SPR to main memory; that's still faster than my (not finished) MMI assembler function :)