My first post here and have a couple of questions. I've done programming for the PSP the past couple of weeks (ported Stella and Atari800) but since last week, after I updated the toolchain, I got some strange errors. Mostly in stdio calls. So I decided to track it down, this is what I found:
1) on line 622 of the newlib patch it says:
Code: Select all
+ sce_fd == sceKernelStderr();
2) why was the following code added in libc/include/sys/config.h? I noticed that on small applications it's not a problem, but on some large ones the ptr of the global reent structure wasn't correctly initialised, maybe a linker bug (or __psp__ is not set correctly?)?:
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/* We compile newlib with -G0 for PSP, but if we're compiling an app with $gp enabled,
then _impure_ptr is expected to live in .sdata. */
#if defined(__psp__)
#define __ATTRIBUTE_IMPURE_PTR__ __attribute__((__section__(".sdata")))
After commenting it out and recompiling everything the projects started working again. Did I find a bug or am I doing something wrong?