lua 5 libraries in lua player?

Discuss using and improving Lua and the Lua Player specific to the PSP.

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the underminer
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lua 5 libraries in lua player?

Post by the underminer »

On the official Lua homepage I found some libraries that make zip-file handling easier ( These libraries where made for Lua 5.0. I was wondering if I could use them with lua player.

I'm trying to make an unzip app for the psp but I haven't got a clue on how to decompress the files, so if I could use these libraries...

Does anyone know if I can use the libs or an other method on unzipping files?
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Post by Koba »

if your taking the time to transfer to zip file to the psp, why not add 2 seconds to unzip the file with your computer...?
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Post by Shine »

If the library is written in ANSI C, it should be possible to build it for PSP and then to build a new Lua Player, which linked the library and added it to the Lua Player, but I don't see a reason to include a general unzipper, but the source is BSD, you are free to create your own Lua Player :-)

But Laurens is working on PhysicsFS, which will allow to pack all Lua scripts, images and sounds of a game in one file for easier distribution and faster loading (a PhysicsFS file is just a zip file, with some logic on the Lua Player side, to make it work like an directory).
the underminer
Posts: 123
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why I want to decompress zip

Post by the underminer »

I want to decompress zip because of the webbrowser feature of the psp. If you download a zip file with your psp, it's quite handy to play the contents (images, music) without being dependant of a computer. It would also enable websites like (works great) to distribute magazines (a series of images with text in a zip file) directly to a psp.

However, compiling my own luaplayer looks quite complicated to me. I will read the tutorial on the WIKI tough. I doubt if luaplayer has enough file read/write capabilities to make a unzip lua script. E.G. if I would like to search a given file for the position of text "{i}" ({i} might be a flag that indicates where data should be duplicated for decompression) for example, how would I do that?
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