I noticed that PSP_SYSTIMER0_INT and a few others have been added to the interrupt manager header file. Can these be used to interrupt at user defined intervals?
I have already got PSP_VBLANK_INT working nicely in my code.
Timer Interrupts
what a good question :D
I wonder if the timers are configurable as they were on the PS2 (bus clock, HBL, VBL,...), the resolution (16b ? 32b ?) and so on...
I wonder if the timers are configurable as they were on the PS2 (bus clock, HBL, VBL,...), the resolution (16b ? 32b ?) and so on...
- TiTAN Art Division -
I would probably guess that these are used by the kernels systimer module and are not for use by user level applications. If you could get rid of the kernel, or work out the interface to systimer.prx you might be able to indirectly use them in your own code. However in likelyhood the best you are going to get is by using things like sceKernelSetAlarm