PSP Flash Chip Facts: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

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PSP Flash Chip Facts: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Post by McZonk »


With the help of some university lecturer I have removed the flash chip from a psp board. Neither the board nor the chip are damaged. My idea is to build a PSP with 2 flash roms. If I brick one, I can restore it with other one. Everybody how has a bricked PSP can help Team Emergency Exit with giving us the board. I also need some money for build a circuit board to attach two on. Contact: [email protected]

The Good Facts

The chip is a standard chip from Samsung: K5E5658HCM . There is nothing secret with the chip. Everybody can buy it, if you take 1000 :D

The Bad Facts

The chip is not only the flash rom (256 mbit nand rom). It is also the ram (256 mbit ddr ram). If you read though the datasheets of the chip, you will find there figures. The flash is built from nand gates. It won't be as easy as access nor gates. So direcly writing into the flash is not easy.

The Ugly Facts

If you look at the board, you will see the wire loops from processor to the flash/ram chip. These wires are made to keep all wires in the same length. This is important for the timing of the ram and timing is very very cirical. If I brought back the flash/ram on the board with just some small wire brigdes, it could disturb the timing of the ram. The flash is not critical, but the ram is.

I will also try to build a two flash psp.
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Post by Rich43 »

keep up the good work, bet u will be turning 2.5's into 1.5 in no time :)
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Post by mrbrown »

The Good News and the Bad News

The Bad News: Nem pulled off his flash chip back in April. He built an interface to flash his PSP externally. He used this interface to deliver the first legitimate homebrew program for PSP and as a method of infilitrating kernel mode. We've known about the identity of the flash chip since before then.
The Good News: Using forum search will help you find this useful information in the future (and perhaps save you a PSP) :).
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Post by Dr. Vegetable »

It looks like that thread was not the one you intended to link. But thanks to the forum search tip, I found the relevant topic:

(Edited to filter some of my foul attitude. Sorry, mrbrown, I was feeling a bit cranky when I originally posted.)
Last edited by Dr. Vegetable on Mon Dec 05, 2005 1:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Pit0711 »

better go to iraq, cowboys
germany over all :-)
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Post by Dr. Vegetable »

So I am wondering about the availability of this part. Like others, I have found it listed in Samsung product selection guides, but have not found a datasheet. Pinouts for similar chips do not match either the pad footprint or the apparent wiring to this chip. I've even read claims that Samsung has refused to provide information about this chip because they are bound by an NDA with Sony.

Has anyone had any success mapping the pinout? (Nem apparently has some information, since he has dumped the firmware out of one.) Anyone care to share what they have learned so far?

@Pit0711: Please stay on topic. :)

OK, me first...

Here are my notes from examining a PSP that had suffered a similar fate as the one pictured above. This is the pad layout on the PCB, in the PSP's natural orientation, with the main processor off to the left:


The key to these pin descriptions is as follows:
R0...RH - Nineteen tuned-path traces leading over to the main processor. These appear to be address/control lines?
D0...D7 - 8-bit bus that leads from main processor, past button-cell and up from below (south of) the NAND chip.This could be an 8-bit data bus?
J0...J6 - 7-bit bus emerging from VIAs near button cell, leading around to the north side of the NAND chip. This could be the re-flashing control lines?
?? - Indicates a pin that is connected by a trace to a VIA beneath the NAND.
!! - Indicates a pin that is connected to a diagonal neighbor by a trace beneath the NAND chip.
!? - Indicates a pin that is connected to a diagonal neighbor by a trace beneath the NAND chip which also has a VIA.
g - Indicates pins that are connected directly to the ground plane.

I have not yet determined where all of the VIAs lead, but it appears that some of these do not go all the way through all layers of the PCB. It also is possible that many other pins are connected directly to other layers through VIAs at the pad itself. I have a few other ambiguous notations on some other pins, so I'll have to remind myself by looking at the board again.

I would like to refine this diagram using whatever information anyone would care to submit. This would include any solid information about the purpose of the various bus groups that I have tentatively identified, above.
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Post by Dr. Vegetable »

More of the pieces are falling into place regarding the NAND chip pinout. Does anybody care, or am I just wasting my time to post documentation on this?
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Post by faldore »

Your info is interesting (to me), but I think off topic in the pspdev forum. You may get better feedback at psphacks ( or pspupdates (
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Post by groepaz »

i'm interisted in that kinda info aswell.... but i wouldnt resort to those nonsense forums :)
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Post by DigitalFoundry »

faldore wrote:Your info is interesting (to me), but I think off topic in the pspdev forum. You may get better feedback at psphacks ( or pspupdates (
As pointed out earlier, it was hardware dissection like this that actually led to the first legimitate homebrew. Surely there is a place here for informed discussion on the hardware, even if it is in the off-topic forum?

The only problem with the two sites you mention is that finding useful information in amongst all the junk is pretty much impossible.
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Post by ooPo »

Moved to PSP hardware Development.
Dr. Vegetable
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Post by Dr. Vegetable »

I have added some details to the pinout for the flash chip. I have mainly renamd pins according to the designations used by Samsung, and guessed at the usage of some of the RAM control lines, based on similar usage in other chips.


I am in the process of adding the actual traces on the PCB to this diagram in order to help people figure out where they are connected without harming any more PSPs. Since the PSP I am examining suffered some damage duing the extraction process, I am not 100% sure that all traces are still intact.

Also, I believe that the 19 pins in the R0-RJ group are the RAM address lines (there should be 16 of these?) and related control lines. If these pins are organized like other chips, then the low-order address lines are actually at the "RJ" end, not at the "R0" end.

"DNU" means "Do Not Use", which is different than "NC" in that these pins are apparently connected to the wafer and used in the manufacturing/test process for the device. They should not be connected to the circuit. Again, I am guessing at which pins are DNU based on similar designs.

The J0-J6 pin group is most likely the re-flashing control lines. Although I do not yet know which is which, the seven lines available from other chips for this purpose are:
/CE - Chip Enable, active low
R/B - Read/Busy, chip busy writing when low, can be read when high
/RE - Read Enable, active low
/WE - Write enable, active low
/WP - Write Protect, active low
CLE - Command Latch Enable, active high, command provided via IO0...IO7 pins and latched on rising edge of /WE
ALE - Address Latch Enable

I will continue to post updates as I figure out more. I would greatly appreciate any information that others would care to submit in order to verify my findings/guesswork.
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Post by Shine »

Dr. Vegetable wrote: I will continue to post updates as I figure out more. I would greatly appreciate any information that others would care to submit in order to verify my findings/guesswork.
I think instead of guessing the right pins it would be easier to just ask nem, because according to he has already read the flash chips (and I met him in Amsterdam at the EuroOSCON and he showed his desoldered chips, but not the device he built for reading it :-)
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Post by Dr. Vegetable »

I will PM him to make sure he is aware of this thread and to ask for his assistance. Thanks for the tip! I had implied in earlier posts that nem would be a good source for information, but had also wished to solicit help from anyone else who has anything to add.

And I don't plan to base this investigation solely on guessing. I am trying to follow traces back through the PSP circuitry to verify the function of these lines. However, this has to begin with an understanding of what lines are of interest and how they are used.

BTW, it appears that the PSP shares some circuitry between the Memory Stick port and the NAND reflashing circuit. Not at all surprising. But this does imply that the MS slot may provide access to some of the necessary pins without the need to open up the PSP. (Do you see where I am going with this?)

I can certainly hold back on posting this stuff until I have something more solid, if that is preferable. I had just hoped that others who have pursued this line of investigation might jump in and save me some time.
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Post by nem »

Sorry for late.

Following is a brief memo (could be obsolete partly) for memory chip of PSP, reversed result.
Note that there may be misunderstanding and/or mistakes.
Please confirm yourself before applying hardware hacks for the PSP.

Code: Select all

SAMSUNG MCP memory chip pinout, flash related
(Top view) 

  NC  NC                          NC  NC  

  NC  GND Vdd 53  Vss NC  52  01  02  03 

  GND Vdd NC  NC  54  Vcc 36  51  05  04 

  Vdd GND 55  NC  56  64  NC  NC  GND Vdd 

  GND Vdd 40  39  34  35  65  NC  06  07 

  GND Vdd 33  38  37  31  NC  NC  08  09 

  Vdd GND 32  70  67  66  42  NC  10  GND 

  Vdd GND NC  20  69  68  29  24  21  Vdd 

  GND Vdd NC  50  41  43  25  27  22  11-------- 

  Vdd GND 45  72  48  30  26  NC  13  12-------- 
  GND Vdd NC  NC  44  46  28  NC  15  14-------- 
  Vdd GND 71  75  73  47  61  NC  16  Vdd   +  
                                     -----+   +  
  GND Vdd 49  74  58  Vss 60  57  17  GND   +   +-- 
                                     -----+   +---- 
  NC  GND Vdd 63  62  Vcc 59  23  19  18    +--- 

  NC  NC                          NC      

                                             <1pin mark here> 

Vss  Power ground for flash chip 
Vcc  +3.3V power for flash chip 

36  D0 
52  D1 
51  D2 
64  D3 
53  D4 
56  D5 
54  D6 
55  D7 

58  ~CE 
63  ~RE 
62  ~WE 
59  CLE 
60  ALE 
57  ~WP 
61  R/~B 

others&#58; for DRAM 
NB&#58;numbers is only for work. no meanings.  

Access protocol for flash chip is basically same as SAMSUNG's ordinal chip like K9F5608U0C but there exist difference.

Block address should be specified as 3byte length. After writing 1byte command with CLE=H, you must write 4byte address with ALE=H, 3byte block number with 1byte offset within the block. Also you should better to do this sequence not so slowly, or ignored.

Some photos for your interest. Lunar base is the hardware to determine pinouts by bruteforce, and to read the chip.
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Post by Dr. Vegetable »

Thank you for sharing this knowledge with us, nem, you are truly the master!

I will incorporate this information into the diagram I have been putting together, which will become part of a comprehensive online PSP hardware reference that I am assembling. Of course, your groundbreaking contribution will be duly noted.
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Post by dot_blank »

excellent information ;)
your just the person we wanted
to hear from

also what about the possible 7
jtags that run alon right of NAND
and head southeast yet what pinouts
do these 7 end up to ...hmmm ;)
10011011 00101010 11010111 10001001 10111010
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Post by Dr. Vegetable »

Ok, I finally incorporated nem's notes into my diagram. It was a bit confusing to rotate everything 180 degrees, so I hope I got everything right. I'm not sure that my diagram adds anything new to what nem has posted, but perhaps the layout is a little easier to see this way:


It looks like the only guess I had gotten wrong was to assume that the eight I/O data bus lines would be physically laid out in 0...7 order. (Sneaky Sony!) But these line run into a small network of VIAs near the main processor, so I should have suspected that they were getting swapped around.

dot_blank: You can figure out the mapping of the 7 JTAG lines that run from the button cell to the "southeast" of the NAND chip upward and disappearing beneath the chip from the "north" if you follow my labelling of J0...J6 from right-to-left at the chip's edge:

J0 --> /RE
J1 --> /CE
J2 --> /WE
J3 --> R/B
J4 --> ALE
J5 --> CLE
J6 --> /WP

I am thinking that, if one were to try to use these lines for reflashing, you would also need to provide power to a lot of pins. It seems that a charged battery and/or DC adapter would need to be connected to the PSP with the main processor somehow disconnected or asleep? You would also need to access the IO0...IO7 pins to feed the actual commands, addresses, and data into the chip while flashing.

As I have mentioned in other posts, at least a few of these lines seem to pass through 40-pin connector "CN4201" (north of the NAND chip) and across into the daughterboard. I am patiently ohming this out to see whether there is external access to these lines through the Memory Stick slot and/or the Headphone/SIRCS connector. I am even wondering if there is a way to transfer a firmware image directly from a memory stick onto the NAND chip.

Anyway, a huge thanks to nem for sharing his findings. That probably saved me from bricking quite a few PSPs trying to figure this out for myself. I also must commend his de-soldering skills! He has pictures of a board with both processors and the flash chip lifted that show little if any damage to the PCB. I can only assume that he carefully heated the chips with an iron while gently lifting with an IC puller. My friend's technique of cutting with an exacto blade did not have the same clean results. (Don't try this at home, kids!)
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Post by pyrosama »

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Post by dot_blank »

excellent ;)

Dr.V: you might have something
with running something from memstick
to NAND ...really interesting indeed

Pyro: yea thats just what a blind fool
like me needs :P
10011011 00101010 11010111 10001001 10111010
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Post by pyrosama »

I checked and none of the flash points directly connect to the mobo to dboard connecter.
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Post by digihoe »

I do think you don't need to worry about the CPU when you are JTAGing the flash (but I can be mistaken this with JTAGing the CPU)...

B.T.W. can you read RAM with this JTAG? Anyone tried reading the flash using this JTAG pins?

Best regards and nice find!
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Post by Dr. Vegetable »

Thanks for checking that out, pyrosama. I would have done this myself, but I've been caring for my 1-year-old son all day. (Tough to get anything constructive done with a little monkey trying to help!) I like your exacto job, too! A bit neater than my friend managed to do, but the scars are all in the same places.

Well, even if no way is discovered to access these pins without opening the PSP, it should be possible to solder some wires onto these seven lines, plus the IO0-IO7 lines, in order to experiment with re-flashing bricked PSPs.

Regarding the CPU vs. JTAG, I'm only worried about the CPU trying to put stuff on the data bus while we're messing with the JTAG port, so I would think the CPU wants to be disabled/suspended. But the chip needs power, so flashing it in-circuit I assume could get interesting. This isn't really a "JTAG" port in the usual sense - it doesn't enable one to take control of the CPU or do single-stepping, reading of registers, etc. These are really just the physical control lines that are used for reading and writing to the non-volatile portion of memory, which contains the firmware and some user settings.

It is possible to read the flash ROM using these pins, as demonstrated by nem. He literally fathered the PSP homebrew movement by reading the 1.0 firmware out of the chip this way. You could theoretically read RAM if you used some of the many other lines going into this chip, but doing so without crashing the machine would be unlikely.

This line of research could lead to a way to bypass the versioning restrictions built into the Sony firmware, allowing us to potentially downgrade any PSP to pretty much any firmware version available. Since there is encryption employed even at this level, we still would lack the ability to install custom firmware unless/until somebody figures out the Sony private keys, which will probably happen about 10,000 years from now.

NOTE TO SONY: (We know you are reading this!) You've built a beautiful machine, here, and I hope you can see the extremes we will go to in order to enable homebrew applications to run on them. I (for one) would like to buy games on UMD to financially support this great platform, but you make it pointless to do so when you force firmware upgrades that are not actually necessary. (Most games run just fine on any version as long as the correct version number is spoofed.)

Why not sell a "Homebrew Developer's Kit" so that your customers can write our own games and applications for this machine? Even if you required people to buy a separate "Homebrew Loader" UMD in order to run these applications, we'd all be able to stop tearing open these beautiful PSPs to perform brain surgery on them.

Please don't fear the Homebrew community; we could be your greatest ally in the game console wars!
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Post by ryoko_no_usagi »

Um, why are you calling those lines JTAG? They don't look like JTAG to me (although I don't actually know much of JTAG, I just know our hardware guy usually puts a JTAG port on our boards which we use to flash firmware and for debugging...) and I don't think memories themselves usually have JTAG ports?

The point of JTAG is that you can have access to _all_ chips/pins on the board through a simple 4 line serial connection, for verifying PCB or for ISP of flash (through a JTAG capable device connected to the flash, or in my case the MCU usually has built-in flash) or for debugging. If the CPU for instance has a JTAG port, it should be possible to access flash just through the JTAG interface, so no need for connecting to other IO-pins etc. But I don't think the Samsung chip has a direct JAG port so would need to go through another device, and would need to know the format used...
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Post by Dr. Vegetable »

You are correct, these aren't JTAG lines. I've been calling them "JTAG" because that is what they have been called here in the past, probably because they allow one function that is often performed using JTAG.

It does make me wonder if there is a real JTAG port in there somewhere... The PSP mainboard has a number of large square solder pads that appear to be test points of some kind. For example, in this picture (original image provided by pyrosama) I have circled two sets of test points:


The ones near the center could be the fabled diagnostic COM4 port. (Pure speculation so far.) The ones to the right appear to provide access to the data bus leading to the Memory Stick slot. There are many such pads on the PSP boards (some smaller than these!) that have yet to be explored.
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Post by pyrosama »

Those pads from what I can tell dont directly connect to nand but could be jtag. I once talked to a guy who formerly worked for sony on a production line who claimed that the boards were flashed un powered out side of psp through a 7 point jtag that was on the top of the board (under lcd not side with nand)

Though I do not know if there is any truth in what he said.

I poped off my cpu and gpu about 2 hours ago so I will go snap a few shots in a minutes.

As for my realativly clean removal of the chip I used a heat gun prior to atempting to pop of the chip which made it a bit easier.

Here are the photos I promised!
Dont say any thing about the location of the nand chip :P
I atempted to remove the solder balls with a butane wood burner (no soldering iron missplaced while moving) so in the proccess I scourched the board!


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Post by nem »

Dr. Vegetable,

You would better to add power pads for flash,

Code: Select all

Vss  Power ground for flash chip 
Vcc  +3.3V power for flash chip 
GND and Vdd is for DRAM. Vcc(+3.3V) is used for some I/O including daughter board.
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Post by Dr. Vegetable »

Ah, thanks for the correction. I will update the diagram to more clearly indicate this distinction. I also plan to color-code the pins to show which are for SDRAM and which are for flash.

Sorry for the confusion!
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Post by pyrosama »

Looking good for flashing with out removing chip. Power pins can be accessed easily.
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Post by Dr. Vegetable »

Thanks for the new photos! These should really be of interest to a lot of people... Butane torch, eh? Is that where the "pyro" part of your moniker comes from? :)

To Sony: Legitimize Homebrew before another PSP gets whacked! (Maybe we should start mailing the pieces back to them.)
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