realityengine wrote:what language is this developed in?
The windowblinds threw me off, for a minute I thought it was actually the
We coded it in VB6 as it’s all we know :p, But Just to clarify... Its an msstyle, windowblinds IMO is actually a terrible piece of software, talk about bloat and slowdown - but that’s another issue for another time :p
So don’t worry, this app's "native windows" GUI (or whatever people call it) will almost definitely always be this way. Not much point IMHO in skinning an app that people will open for about 5 seconds when we can have it automatically adopt the operating system's native one (especially not much point with a file conversion utility, would be a bit like skinning dbpoweramp :s)
And the subtitle fonts I literally have NO idea about - your best bet is the mencoder documentation or perhaps somone else on this forum who actually knows how to use mencoder :p
Artik, I do apologise but I never saw the sample which you uploaded, and I am quite interested... please point me in the right direction so that I can debug :D
Csuper, as you appear to know what you are talking about, could you (or anyone really) suggest a better font for me to include as default? - and thanks for posting that it works + your own bug report, V useful + we will fix the 1pass/2pass saving problem in next build. As for the subtitle setting being "forgotten", it's because it was never remembered - we haven’t coded that yet - we will release 1.0 in a bit, after more of the ridiculous bugs like that one are fixed.
nazgull, sorry it doesnt work for you, I have no idea of your level of computer knowledge so im going to go ahead and ask if you are sure you have got the file structure right for it to work. If it just disappears after everything has converted it will probably be a mencoder or pmp_muxer error with the AVI files you are using, as the batch without fail always contains the "muxing" line, even if the files somehow just are not there.
About these resolution problems, just today I received a complaint that "512x384" just does not work - I opened up the app here, entered the resolution, clicked calculate and it worked fine - same with "640*320"
I'm not saying that I don't believe you, but I may very well have added a bit of code that tells you the wrong information when an error occurs (e.g. tells you that its the resolution code which has malfunctioned when really it is the avi information retrieval code which does). This or possibly the visual basic runtimes have an issue with simple maths (unlikely - I doubt that i am just SO GOOD at coding that I can start blaming the code's interpreters :p)
My guess is that it is indeed the AVI information code which crashes and not the resolution calculation - if this is the case, we will work on finding a better solution than the one we have in place :)
Can anyone actually provide for me the error which pops up (as in the words displayed or a screenshot or something) when this magical resolution error which I physically cannot replicate happens, along with what resolutions cause it? (Assuming I do not get a copy of the sample that artik uploaded first)
Ever since I released the first version there have been SO many complaints about this resolution bug but I can’t really find any actual information on what people do to cause it. The mathematics involved in the resolution conversion are VERY simple and not really the kind of thing that should be causing errors...
Anyway, lol that took ages to write, thx for the feedback :p, check back here for 1.0 every so often :p
P.S, thanks for the mirror
klump our hosting seems to be a bit crap atm... oh well :p