You might get more interest if you tell people what your Team is trying to do.
But this message should probably have been posted in the Help Wanted list, and you should read the Please Read Before Posting rules for that forum before you post there.
2) There should be very specific outlining of compensation involved.
Is it a free project? Do you plan on showing a demo to a publisher in hopes of getting paid someday? Or are you an established company looking to hire more staff? Be very clear in order to avoid problems later.
3) The project should be more than notes scribbled on a napkin.
You should be able to point to a website where the project has been described or at least provide some description of the project beyond 'Oh its a cool new FPS RPG LOL BBQ game!'. Some concept artwork would be nice, or at least some indication of being more than idea you came up with during your beer-soaked Halo 2 weekend. I'm talking to you, fratboy!
Your request doesn't tell anyone what you are doing, how serious you are about the project, whether they might expect to get paid for participating, etc. You should work out these details among your current Dev Team members and include these specifics in any Help Wanted postings.