PS Menu 2.6b issue

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PS Menu 2.6b issue

Post by Shazz »


I'm using PS Menu 2.6b with pleasure to upload my homebrew code on the hard drive but I still need to first copy my ELF files on the MC as the PS Menu host: submenu is disabled, what's missing to have it working ?

I added the IPCONFIG.DAT and it is recognized, I tried to add PSLink IRX on the MC but nothing changed...

In the same maneer, I have uploaded many 3rd Creation demo compos fiels to my HDD but it seems that many times the coders have hardcoded the IRX path (and most of the time at cdrom0: for amigamod.irx) so I can't make them running (I use the independence exploit so no CDrom available)

Is there a trick ? Need to patch the demos ?

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Post by Drakonite »

Unfortunatly no, there isn't really a trick to make the demos work. Hardcoded IRX paths suck sometimes ;)

host: is a filesystem that is provided by the various link software to the software it starts. In other words, the only way to have host: is if you start ps2menu by sending it to your ps2 using ps2link.
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Post by Drakonite »

Forgot to add....
The IPCONFIG.DAT information provided to ps2menu is used for it to startup ps2netfs, which can be used for copying files to/from the PC. I don't use it much so someone else will have to explain it ;)
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