Does anyone have any examples of reading the following information from UMD_DATA.BIN in C.
Hex edit:
ULES-00151 = the game code or whatever.
DC* = unique code (can be whatever, not just DC)
basically i need to get that information, the game code and unique code in C.
any ideas?
Reading information from UMD_DATA.BIN
This is taken from the flashmod 2.0 source:
Hope it helps. btw. as you can see Ichigo has programed a special boot for Socom.
Code: Select all
fd = sceIoOpen("disc0:/UMD_DATA.BIN", PSP_O_RDONLY, 0777);
char game_id[10];
sceIoRead(fd, game_id, 10);
fd = sceIoOpen("./GAMES/UCUS-98615/UMD_DATA.BIN", PSP_O_RDONLY, 0777);
char socom_game_id[10];
sceIoRead(fd, socom_game_id, 10);
if(game_id == socom_game_id) {