I'm a psp-ita.com forums' user and coder of Triple Triad PSP. :)
Here's our first public release.
Triple Triad Team (Sakya, Peoplechamp, Nedra, Leviadragon and Sephzero) is pleased to present:
Triple Triad PSP Vers.0.1.0! :D
This is the first public release, it's possible only to play againts the PSP with random cards.
It's possible to select which rules to use (except "Random").
The project is released under GPL (visit http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html for details).
Here's a couple of screenshot:
Download: http://sakya.altervista.org/ttpsp/ttpsp0.1.0.rar
(Copy and paste the address in a new window if you have problem downloading the file)
Triple Triad PSP is developed with PSP-Python: http://python-psp.net/trac/
Sakya & Triple Triad Team