I'm writing a game in Lua and trying to add music playback.
I've tried to play a .xm or .s3m music file but they are playing pausing playing pausing....
Actually the .xm is giving better result but still not smooth.
Is there something to add in my code to have a smooth music ?
I was thinking that may be a wait time was needed to allow lua to fill is buffer... So I've tried to add some screen:waitVblankStart() all over my code without any good result...
Any help ?
Thanks in advance, Pascal
Music plays choppy
Moderators: Shine, Insert_witty_name
The biggest problem with LUAPlayer is that it uses a single thread for almost everything. When you blit/print too many images during each frame the entire system gets choppy and slows down. In order to decrease the time between. Just remember kids Simpler is better! I do believe you should totally rewrite your code.
Yeah same problem here. But how do I cut down on the choppyness if I need alot of units on the screen. I tried to optimize my code and cut out 16 for loops (but without any extra blitting), but still not enough.
I also tried to blit one half of the amount of units one loop and then the second time it blits the other half, but that doesn't really help so it seems. Hmm maybe I should give that another try, because Im running out of ideas here.
Do you have any tips maybe?
I also tried to blit one half of the amount of units one loop and then the second time it blits the other half, but that doesn't really help so it seems. Hmm maybe I should give that another try, because Im running out of ideas here.
Do you have any tips maybe?
Eliminate blitting, and use less code. Less is more!The more functions you use the slower it becomes. The less functions you use.. can also slow it down. Find the right combination. Also use the blit buffer! Only reblit changes in the picture. Never do more than that. Complex code makes it harder for it to work. Steer clear of "if 1 > variable then else end" code it slows stuff down.
Dont reblit every frame.
Limit code so its reactive. And based on timers. It helps
Use Coroutines.
Dont reblit every frame.
Limit code so its reactive. And based on timers. It helps
Use Coroutines.
The thing is I eliminated as much as possible. I only blit stuff when its actually visible and moves/changes and I use in fact only a few functions, but only for stuff thats done ones, so not for loops that call upon it every loop.Eliminate blitting, and use less code. Less is more!The more functions you use the slower it becomes. The less functions you use.. can also slow it down. Find the right combination. Also use the blit buffer! Only reblit changes in the picture. Never do more than that. Complex code makes it harder for it to work. Steer clear of "if 1 > variable then else end" code it slows stuff down.
Dont reblit every frame.
Limit code so its reactive. And based on timers. It helps
Use Coroutines.
What exactly is the "blit buffer"? Do you mean the second screen? As in you have to flip the two screens, and I shouldn't do that every loop?
And you're also saying I shouldn't use to many if statements in general, or ones with numbers in them, or other specific ones? Are some things faster than other ones? I mean is for faster/slower or equally fast as while for instance? And are boolean if statemnets faster then numbers?
Also what exactly do you mean by limiting the code so its reactive? It should react to changes? But isn't that (almost) always?
Do you maybe have a good tut on coroutines? Otherwise I'll just read the manual.
Thx for the advice!
I dont really have a tutorial. But I do have an example useing a Corutine SDK I made.
An example of the code
Code: Select all
Process_LIB = {
["ThreadList"] = { },
Exit = nil
function Process_LIB:init ()
while true do
if (self.Exit) then
for key,value in pairs(Process_LIB["ThreadList"]) do
-- GetStatus()
-- 1 - Go
-- 2 - Pause
-- 3 - SelfTerm
-- 4 - Term (Cleanup)
if (value:GetStatus() == 1) then
-- Do Threadlist
--local Status
if (coroutine.status(value.ThreadID) == "dead") then
-- Thread Ended cleanup
--value = nil
errorfree, errorvalue = coroutine.resume(value.ThreadID, value)
if (self.Exit) then
if (value:GetStatus() == 2) then
-- Pause
-- Do nothing
if (value:GetStatus() == 3) then
-- Self Term
if (value:GetStatus() == 4) then
-- Terminate Code
if (value:GetStatus() == 5) then
-- Unknown Command
function Process_LIB:exit()
self.Exit = true
function Process_LIB:cleanup()
ProcessThread_LIB = nil
Process_LIB = nil
-- Table here
ProcessThread_LIB = { }
function ProcessThread_LIB:new(name)
if (not name) then
return nil
NewThread = { }
local exists = nil
for key,value in pairs(Process_LIB["ThreadList"]) do
if (value:GetName() == name) then
exists = 1
if (not exists) then
setmetatable(NewThread, self)
table.insert(Process_LIB["ThreadList"], NewThread)
self.__index = self
self.status = 1
self["Name"] = name
return NewThread
return nil
function ProcessThread_LIB:Startup()
self.ThreadID = coroutine.create(function(self) self:Thread(self) end)
function ProcessThread_LIB:Thread()
function ProcessThread_LIB:GetStatus()
return self["status"]
function ProcessThread_LIB:wait()
return coroutine.yield()
function ProcessThread_LIB:GetName()
return self["Name"]
Code: Select all
if (Process_LIB) then
_Wifi = ProcessThread_LIB:new("_Wifi")
if (_Wifi) then
function _Wifi:Thread(self)
while true do
self = self.wait() -- Waits every loop (without this itll lock up)