Here's a cut and paste from the psplink thread, just hoping someone who doesn't check that thread has a solution, cos it's really hard doing any sort of debugging just using kxploit.
Hmm, well I've set it all up according to the manual but it doesn't work.
Steps I took,
1) Install psplink on psp, set up ini file to use usb etc.
2) Run psplink on psp, am greeted with shell "host0\" etc so that appears to be fine.
3)On running windows made the 'device connected sound' and asked me for the drivers. I pointed it to the windows/driver folder and it installed PSP type B perfectly.
4) Then, following the manual I run usbhostfs_pc with an argument of the dir my elf is in.
This is where things start going wrong. There is no "Device connected" line as specified by the user manual.
But I try the next step anyway, in case usbhost has been updated.
6) Run pc term with no arguments.
This does nothing. no host0:\ line,. just a single line saying 'trying to connect to port 10000'
Shouldn't it be connecting via usb? or does the usb driver emulate ports etc?
And at this point there's nothing left to try.
Any help would be appreciated, I'm looking forward to quick dev times tools like psplink bring.
Here's my psplink ini file if it helps track down the problem.
# Example psplink configuration file.
# usbmass=[0 1] Enable USB mass storage. Set to 1 to enable automatically
# usbhost=[0 1] Enable USB host file system. Set to 1 to enable automatically
# pluser=[0 1] Enable the PSPLink user module
# resetonexit=[0 1] Specify wheher to reset psplink when sceKernelExitGame
# is called
# sioshell=[0 1] Specify whether to start up the sio shell
# kprintf=[0 1] Specify that SIO should be used for kprintf only, setting sioshell
# to 1 overrides this setting.
# wifi=[0..N] Specify wifi should be enabled, the number is the
# configuration to use if > 0
# wifishell=[0 1] Specify whether to start up the wifi shell
# usbshell=[0 1] Specify whether to start up the usb shell
# usbgdb=[0 1] Specify whether to use USB gdb or wifi gdb
# conshell=[0 1] Specify whether to start up the console shell
# consinterfere[0 1] Specifiy whether the consoleshell may interfere with
# programs in execution
# the commands that is run when buttons are pressed in the console shell
conscrosscmd=ld ms0:/sprite.elf
consdowncmd=scrshot ms0:/scshot.bmp
# prompt=... Set the psplink shell prompt
# There are some escape characters, mainly %d to print the current dir
prompt="%d> "
# path=... Set the psplink shell path
# Each path is separated by a semi-colon, you can specify up to around 128 characters
# path=ms0:/apps;ms0:/
# pcterm=[0 1] Indicates whether we are using pcterm as a client or normal
# tools
# baud=[4800..115200] Set the SIO baud rate (should only use as a last resort)
# baud=115200
# modload=path Load a module on start up, repeat as necessary for more modules
# Example: load the modules for networking
# modload=flash0:/kd/ifhandle.prx
# modload=flash0:/kd/pspnet.prx
# modload=flash0:/kd/pspnet_inet.prx
# modload=flash0:/kd/pspnet_apctl.prx
# modload=flash0:/kd/pspnet_resolver.prx