USB Memory Stick - How to get it working

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USB Memory Stick - How to get it working

Post by the_caMMac »

Hi Everyone,

I am quite new to all of this so please bear with me.

I recently bought a new USB memory-stick and was wondering what would be the easiest approach to take with regards to using it as a memory card. I personally find the princely sum to purchase memory cards to be ludicrous and would greatly appreciate any help in getting my USB memory-stick to be used as a memory card.

As mentioned, any help is greatly appreciated =)
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Post by soks »

If your stick is compatible with it, you buy codebreaker ($20) and it lets you copy the files over. It should be both ways... this is one of the methods to the Independance Exploit, havn't done it myself, stupid codebreaker for PSOne... anyways, you want version 7.0/1 AT LEAST, 8 is what you really want though.

Oh, if you go to the codebreaker website ( you can find a list of the compatible flash keys in the forums.

Err.. hope I'm right, have fun.
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