Well this is my second lua library and it is fully featured with two functions. j/k
There is alot more todo but this is a start...
version 0.1
Not much to say here
This is the first build and with only 3 functions it has an ugly hack:
Added Adhoc.init(id) initializes the adhoc, id is a 9 character string containing your very own game productid, you can make it up for your game, just remember it.
Added Adhoc.term() terminates the adhoc
dl here: http://angelfire.com/blog/dev-be2003/adhoc.zip
*right click on link and click "save as"*
Lua-Adhoc (v0.1) lrx module
Moderator: cheriff
Moved to Release Announcements.
Sounds like you are doing some good work, keep it up!
Sounds like you are doing some good work, keep it up!
Shoot Pixels Not People!
Makeshift Development
Makeshift Development