Video Playback question

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Posts: 34
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Video Playback question

Post by Ghozt »

I want to add some video to a project but it seems that no codecs (at all?!) have been ported to the PSP. I heard abouth the PMP player but the program contains way to much functions ect. which I don't need. Basicly what I'm looking for is a play_video(filepath); function or something like that. I hope you understand what I mean. I prefer a smaller and simple player.

I would be very glad if you can also post some example-code using the codec , that is if there is any available.

Thanks in advance.
Posts: 9
Joined: Thu Jan 05, 2006 1:43 pm

Post by Mondy »

Hi Ghozt

A while ago Kojima created the Pvf(PspVideoFormat) Encoder/Playback library and it should be exactly what your after. He has also mentioned that a newer version is included in Synthesis 3DMax (Formaly Raptor 3D)

Anyway hopefully this will work for you.
Posts: 34
Joined: Mon Mar 13, 2006 8:37 pm

Post by Ghozt »

That player looks like just what I need. But the links doesn't work :( Any chanse of having them re-uploaded? Also my openGL skills are pretty limted to basic drawing and texture mapping so a full example on running a video would be very helpful :) .

EDIT: I found the libs here ... /catid/202 . But I still need a full example with pspgl. Also the encoder doesn't seem to work. All I get is a memory error message and then it quits (this is on the computer of course).
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