Hello, may i ask some question about the psptoolchain development.
I wonder how can you guys make this psptoolchain?
Could you please give me some concept, idea any resource or any clue of it's development.
Indeed my main question is these.
- How can you know the assembly instruction of psp cpu (ALLEGREX isn't it).
- How can you modify the compiler to make builded code can run on PSP (do you modify from normal gcc?)
and how can it use PSP's hardware capability.
- To make (coding) a PSP SDK, did you design it by yourself or you have a API or library name
from somewhere and then you try to write a clone function or API by yourself?
- One more question. can you tell me what is different between useing an open source sdk and
official sony psp devkit? I know that the official deckit will come with sdk and a devkit hardware.
What is that hardware is use for?
(umm may be some of these question is related to the NDA or secret isssue,
but i just want to know :P)
sorry, if my english is poor