i was already wondering several times, why the compiler gives me error-messages because of syntax-errors in assembler lines which i commented out anyway (with /* ... */ ).
now i had a very tricky one, since the error message was
"parse error before numeric constant" and no info in which line it really was (actually line 20 where the "asm __volatile__" was, not really helpfull, since there was 200 lines asm-code).
the lines where i finally found it were:
Code: Select all
ori $20,$0,1
pcpyld $20,$20,$20
pcpyh $20,$20 /* set all halfwords to "1" */
pand $20,$20,$14 /* only first 3 hwords of a dword */
now is that a bug or is it there on purpose? o_O
can anyone tell me?