I'm from Spain and I have some troubles while installing the toolchain for PSP in my computer.
First of all, I read the "readme.txt" file and followed the steps.
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1) Set up your environment by installing the following software:
autoconf, automake, bison, flex, gcc, make, ncurses, patch, readline, subversion, texinfo, wget
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2) Add the following to your login script:
export PSPDEV=/usr/local/pspdev
export PATH=$PATH:$PSPDEV/bin
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3) Run the toolchain script:
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fran@fran-desktop:~$ sudo ./psptoolchain/toolchain.sh
ERROR: Add /usr/local/pspdev/bin to your path before continuing.
../depends/check-pspdev.sh: 14: exit1: not found
../depends/check-pspdev.sh: Failed.
fran@fran-desktop:~$ echo $PATH
fran@fran-desktop:~$ echo $PSPDEV
fran@fran-desktop:~$ cd $PSPDEV
fran@fran-desktop:/usr/local/pspdev$ cd bin
This is in GNU/Linux Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon 7.1 Desktop CD. If you need more information for helping me, ask me.
I beg your pardon for my poor english.
Thanks for your help.[/quote]