Help with loading EBOOTs
Help with loading EBOOTs
I'm helping develope LuaPlayerHM with homemister and we are trying to get the runeboot function to work better. Originally homemister had sceLoadExec to run an eboot, which was fine but on newer firmwares it did nothing. For newer firmwares sctrlKernelLoadExecVSHMs2 seems to be working just fine, but only EBOOTS compiled as PRX's. So I need a way either to run an EBOOT no matter what, or a way to determine if it was compiled as an ELF or PRX and what firmware is running. Any suggestions?
Enlighten me, Reveal my fate -- Follow - Breaking Benjamin
Don't know about LUA, but it's easy to get the version in C. You'll find this sort of thing in all D_A's examples:
Then this for the model:
Code: Select all
if (sceKernelDevkitVersion() < 0x03070110)
ErrorExit(5000, "This program requires 3.71+.\n");
Code: Select all
if (kuKernelGetModel() != PSP_MODEL_SLIM_AND_LITE)
ErrorExit(5000, "This program is for the psp slim only.\n");