I'm having a problem with a simple program (my first for PSP) I'm working on which uses SDL_ttf. I've built the libraries, and everything seems to work fine, but text does not show up on the screen. Compiling the same code on Linux does display the text.
Is there a certain directory that files must be placed? I have the file (FreeSans.ttf) in the same directory as EBOOT.PBP.
Do I have to open the font specifying the path in a specific way? The line right now to open the font looks like:
Code: Select all
TTF_OpenFont("FreeSans.ttf", 18);
The Makefile is that of the logic sample with "-lSDL_ttf -lfreetype -lSDL..." and other appropriate SDL stuff added.
I've drawn images to the screen with no problem, so it is working, just not TTF.
I've tried outputting to std::cout and/or std::cerr, but while stdout.txt and stderr.txt are created, they are both empty.