About this time last year I compiled an app using 'make kxploit' and it worked fine on my 1.5 kernel. Now that I've upgraded to 3.52, it still works fine.
However, because I'm struggling to build a new project of mine, I've gone back to that original app to try and build and run it. Unfortunately it crashes the PSP (turns it off). The only thing that it different is that the PSP toolchain is a year newer.
There was an error that I haven't seen in a while though.
but it compiles fine when I just use make kxploit again. Is this the problem?Error, could not fixup imports, stubs out of order.
Ensure the SDK libraries are linked in last to correct this error
In case my makefile throws any hints, here it is.
Code: Select all
TARGET = heli
PSPSDK = $(shell psp-config --pspsdk-path)
PSPBIN = $(shell psp-config --psp-prefix)/bin
SDL_CONFIG = $(PSPBIN)/sdl-config
OBJS = helicoptergame.o Cursor.o Geometry.o MainApp.o Trackball2.o Display.o
CXXFLAGS = $(DEFAULT_CFLAGS) $(MORE_CFLAGS) -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti
LIBS = $(shell $(SDL_CONFIG) --libs) -lSDL -lglut -lGLU -lGL -lm -lc -lpsputility -lpspdebug -lpspge -lpspdisplay -lpspctrl -lpspsdk -lpspvfpu -lpsplibc -lpspuser -lpspkernel -lpsprtc -lpsppower -lstdc++ -lSDLmain -lSDL_ttf
include $(PSPSDK)/lib/build.mak
I'd rather build for the 3.xx kernels now. I've read http://www.ghoti.nl/PSPtutorialm0.php and made the recommended tweaks to my code and makefile. I've assumed there are no kernel calls though
Basically I
- build my app using 'make'
- copy the EBOOT.PBP into psp/game352/HeliGame
I'm pretty miffed at this point. So some help would be great.