I found this function used in hook function. but I can't find any explain of it.
it's declared like this:
extern SceUID sceKernelSearchModuleByName (const char *);
I use it in this way:
SceUID thid;
where mainHookSave[o].modname is "sceController_Service". the return value is -2147352365, I think this value incorrect.
I run this code under 3.71 M33, could you like give some information of it ? anythink will be ok.
what is " sceKernelSearchModuleByName "
- Posts: 409
- Joined: Tue Oct 09, 2007 4:22 am
thid is meant to be "thread ID" and that function is for modules not threads :P
However, you can give whatever name you want.
the function is:
SceModule* sceKernelFindModuleByName(const char * modname);
http://alek.dark-alex.org/pspsdkdocs/gr ... ee904fd688
However, you can give whatever name you want.
the function is:
SceModule* sceKernelFindModuleByName(const char * modname);
http://alek.dark-alex.org/pspsdkdocs/gr ... ee904fd688
Thank you
Thank you very much!
however, I want to hook the key, when I press LEFT, it runs RIGHT, and when I press RIGHT, it runs LEFT. Here is my code. if there no problem with sceKernelFindModuleByName, I don't know why....
this is the main.c of PRX
this is the head file of main.c, the main.h
and this is head file of hooktable.h
the next is the PRX loader
I modify the code base on RemaPSP. I modify the
void overrideControls(SceCtrlData *pad_data)
function, left others.
however, I want to hook the key, when I press LEFT, it runs RIGHT, and when I press RIGHT, it runs LEFT. Here is my code. if there no problem with sceKernelFindModuleByName, I don't know why....
this is the main.c of PRX
Code: Select all
#include <pspctrl.h>
#include <psphprm.h>
#include <psppower.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <psprtc.h>
#include "main.h"
#include "hooktable.h"
char mainUmdId[16];
typedef int (*FUNC_CTRL) (SceCtrlData*, int);
typedef int (*FUNC_LATCH) (SceCtrlLatch*);
#define PAD_THRESHOLD 50
SceCtrlData dupe_pad;
struct ctrlSetup controllerConfig;
unsigned char holdingNote = 0;
unsigned char enabled = 0;
unsigned char inTurbo = 0; //Toggle every time we are called
//Macro Variables
unsigned char inMacro = 0; //0 if not in a macro, 1/2 if we are - index of macro + 1
u64 macroStartTime = 0; //Time the current macro piece started
unsigned char macroUpToIndex; //Index of current Macro Piece
//Works out how far an analog is pressed for remapping the analogs
//This returns the difference from center that the given control is, based on dupe_pad
void overrideControls(SceCtrlData *pad_data)
memcpy(&dupe_pad, pad_data, sizeof(SceCtrlData));
///Set up the variables for processing
inTurbo = !inTurbo; //Toggle the turbos~
//Clear off the area for the remote, some useless bits up there
dupe_pad.Buttons &= 0x00ffffff;
//Set up some extra bits in the dupe_pad.Buttons (remote and analog)
if (sceHprmIsRemoteExist()) ///Remote
u32 hprm = 0;
dupe_pad.Buttons |= (hprm<<24);
pad_data->Buttons |= ((controllerConfig.digital_R.pressed & dupe_pad.Buttons) || (inTurbo && (controllerConfig.digital_R.turbo & dupe_pad.Buttons)))?PSP_CTRL_LEFT:0;
pad_data->Buttons |= ((controllerConfig.digital_L.pressed & dupe_pad.Buttons) || (inTurbo && (controllerConfig.digital_L.turbo & dupe_pad.Buttons)))?PSP_CTRL_RIGHT:0;
if (pad_data->Buttons) //if there are any keys set, send a power stay on!
int sceCtrlPeekBufferPositiveFake(SceCtrlData *pad_data, int count)
u32 k1;
k1 = pspSdkSetK1(0);
int res = ((FUNC_CTRL) mainHookSave[0].modfunc.addr)(pad_data, count);
return res;
int sceCtrlPeekBufferNegativeFake(SceCtrlData *pad_data, int count)
u32 k1;
k1 = pspSdkSetK1(0);
int res = ((FUNC_CTRL) mainHookSave[1].modfunc.addr)(pad_data, count);
return res;
int sceCtrlReadBufferPositiveFake(SceCtrlData *pad_data, int count)
u32 k1;
k1 = pspSdkSetK1(0);
int res = ((FUNC_CTRL) mainHookSave[2].modfunc.addr)(pad_data, count);
return res;
int sceCtrlReadBufferNegativeFake(SceCtrlData *pad_data, int count)
u32 k1;
k1 = pspSdkSetK1(0);
int res = ((FUNC_CTRL) mainHookSave[3].modfunc.addr)(pad_data, count);
return res;
unsigned int previousPressed;
int sceCtrlPeekLatchFake(SceCtrlLatch *latch_data)
SceCtrlData pad;
int res = sceCtrlPeekBufferPositiveFake(&pad, 1);
//Gen new Latch
latch_data->uiMake = (previousPressed ^ pad.Buttons) & pad.Buttons;
latch_data->uiBreak = (previousPressed ^ pad.Buttons) & previousPressed;
latch_data->uiPress = pad.Buttons;
latch_data->uiRelease = ~pad.Buttons;
previousPressed = pad.Buttons;
return res;
int sceCtrlReadLatchFake(SceCtrlLatch *latch_data)
SceCtrlData pad;
int res = sceCtrlPeekBufferPositiveFake(&pad, 1);
//For one reason or another this is no good. Makes games run too slow
//int res = sceCtrlReadBufferPositiveFake(&pad, 1);
//Gen new Latch
latch_data->uiMake = (previousPressed ^ pad.Buttons) & pad.Buttons;
latch_data->uiBreak = (previousPressed ^ pad.Buttons) & previousPressed;
latch_data->uiPress = pad.Buttons;
latch_data->uiRelease = ~pad.Buttons;
previousPressed = pad.Buttons;
return res;
// hook 线程,重新定义函数
int HookThread (SceSize args, void *argp)
//SceUID loaderid, fd;
int ret, x;
//fd = 0; //shutup about unused ;)
previousPressed = 0;
//Make sure kernel is in analog sampling mode!
// Patch syscall table, here the program use jmp func in stub table, so patch not applied here but in all user modules
// u32 moduleHookFunc (ModuleFunc *modfunc, SceUID modid, const char *library, SceUID nid, void *func)
for (x=0;x<MAIN_HOOK_NBR;x++)
ret = moduleHookFunc(&mainHookSave[x].modfunc, sceKernelSearchModuleByName(mainHookSave[x].modname), mainHookSave[x].libname, mainHookSave[x].nid, mainHookSave[x].func);
return 0;
int HookStart(void)
SceUID thid;
int ret[MAIN_HOOK_NBR], x;
for (x=0;x<MAIN_HOOK_NBR;x++)
ret[x] = moduleHookFunc(&mainHookSave[x].modfunc, sceKernelSearchModuleByName(mainHookSave[x].modname), mainHookSave[x].libname, mainHookSave[x].nid, mainHookSave[x].func);
for(x=0; x<MAIN_HOOK_NBR; x++)
return ret[x];
return 0;
int module_start(SceSize args, void *argp)
return 0;
/* This is apparently never called when running as a VSH OE plugin. */
int module_stop(SceSize args, void *argp)
int x;
// Restore functions
for (x = 0; x < MAIN_HOOK_NBR; x++)
return 0;
this is the head file of main.c, the main.h
Code: Select all
#ifndef __MAIN_H__
#define __MAIN_H__
#include <pspkernel.h>
#include <pspdisplay.h>
#include <pspctrl.h>
#include <pspumd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "conf.h"
#include "Utils/module.h"
extern SceUID sceKernelSearchModuleByName (const char *);
//Global for use with the menu :)
extern struct ctrlSetup controllerConfig;
typedef struct MainHook
ModuleFunc modfunc;
char modname[32];
char libname[32];
u32 nid;
void *func;
} MainHook;
int sceCtrlPeekBufferPositiveFake(SceCtrlData *pad_data, int count);
int sceCtrlPeekBufferNegativeFake(SceCtrlData *pad_data, int count);
int sceCtrlReadBufferPositiveFake(SceCtrlData *pad_data, int count);
int sceCtrlReadBufferNegativeFake(SceCtrlData *pad_data, int count);
//int vshCtrlReadBufferPositiveFake(SceCtrlData *pad_data, int count);
int sceCtrlPeekLatchFake(SceCtrlLatch *latch_data);
int sceCtrlReadLatchFake(SceCtrlLatch *latch_data);
extern unsigned char enabled;
and this is head file of hooktable.h
Code: Select all
#define MAIN_HOOK_NBR 6
MainHook mainHookSave[MAIN_HOOK_NBR] =
{ { 0, NULL }, "sceController_Service", "sceCtrl", 0x3A622550, sceCtrlPeekBufferPositiveFake },
{ { 0, NULL }, "sceController_Service", "sceCtrl", 0xC152080A, sceCtrlPeekBufferNegativeFake },
{ { 0, NULL }, "sceController_Service", "sceCtrl", 0x1F803938, sceCtrlReadBufferPositiveFake },
{ { 0, NULL }, "sceController_Service", "sceCtrl", 0x60B81F86, sceCtrlReadBufferNegativeFake },
{ { 0, NULL }, "sceController_Service", "sceCtrl", 0xb1d0e5cd, sceCtrlPeekLatchFake },
{ { 0, NULL }, "sceController_Service", "sceCtrl", 0x0b588501, sceCtrlReadLatchFake },
// Attempt at getting nid overloading working with menus.
// Can't get this to work: moduleHookFunc[4] return : 0x2
// Incorrect NID or something? :(
// { { 0, NULL }, "sceVshBridge_Driver", "sceVshBridge", 0xc6395c03, vshCtrlReadBufferPositiveFake },
the next is the PRX loader
Code: Select all
#include <pspsdk.h>
#include <pspkernel.h>
#include <pspdebug.h>
#include <pspctrl.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <pspdisplay.h>
#include "grap.h"
/* Define the module info section */
/* Define the main thread's attribute value (optional) */
/* Define printf, just to make typing easier */
#define printf pspDebugScreenPrintf
void dump_threadstatus(void);
int HookStart(void);
int done = 0;
/* Exit callback */
int exit_callback(int arg1, int arg2, void *common)
done = 1;
return 0;
/* Callback thread */
int CallbackThread(SceSize args, void *argp)
int cbid;
cbid = sceKernelCreateCallback("Exit Callback", exit_callback, NULL);
return 0;
/* Sets up the callback thread and returns its thread id */
int SetupCallbacks(void)
int thid = 0;
thid = sceKernelCreateThread("update_thread", CallbackThread,
0x11, 0xFA0, 0, 0);
if(thid >= 0)
sceKernelStartThread(thid, 0, 0);
return thid;
void DrawPic(int x, int y, int Flag, u32 color)
case 0: // 三角
DrawTri(x, y, color);
case 1: // 方块
DrawRect(x, y, color);
case 2: // 叉
DrawCross(x, y, color);
case 3: // 圆圈
DrawCir(x, y, color);
int main(void)
int x=200, y=100;
int flag=0;
u32 color=ARGB(255,0,255,0);
int Counter=0;
int rets;
SceCtrlData pad;
SceUID modid;
// mode 0, pixel format: ABGR
modid = pspSdkLoadStartModule("keyhook.prx", PSP_MEMORY_PARTITION_KERNEL);
if (modid < 0)
pspDebugScreenPrintf("Error 0x%08X loading/starting keyhook.prx.\n", modid);
pspDebugScreenPrintf("load hook\n");
pspDebugScreenPrintf("load failed. return value: %d\n", rets);
pspDebugScreenPrintf("load ok. return value: %d\n",rets);
pspDebugScreenSetXY(0, 2);
sceCtrlReadBufferPositive(&pad, 1);
printf("This is a PSP key test program. have fun! www.ACGclub.com \n");
printf("Analog X = %d ", pad.Lx);
printf("Analog Y = %d \n", pad.Ly);
FillRect(x-1,y-1,19,19, ARGB(255,0,0,0));
DrawPic(x,y, flag, color);
if (pad.Buttons != 0){
if (pad.Buttons & PSP_CTRL_SQUARE){
printf("Square pressed \n");
flag = 1;
if (pad.Buttons & PSP_CTRL_TRIANGLE){
printf("Triangle pressed \n");
flag =0;
if (pad.Buttons & PSP_CTRL_CIRCLE){
printf("Cicle pressed \n");
flag =3;
if (pad.Buttons & PSP_CTRL_CROSS){
printf("Cross pressed \n");
flag =2;
if (pad.Buttons & PSP_CTRL_UP){
printf("Up pressed \n");
if (pad.Buttons & PSP_CTRL_DOWN){
printf("Down pressed \n");
if (pad.Buttons & PSP_CTRL_LEFT){
printf("Left pressed \n");
if(x<0) x=0;
if (pad.Buttons & PSP_CTRL_RIGHT){
printf("Right pressed \n");
if (pad.Buttons & PSP_CTRL_START){
printf("Start pressed \n");
if(Counter>3) Counter = 0;
case 0: color=ARGB(255, 255, 0, 0); break;
case 1: color=ARGB(255, 255, 255, 0); break;
case 2: color=ARGB(255, 255, 0, 255); break;
case 3: color=ARGB(255, 0, 255, 0); break;
if (pad.Buttons & PSP_CTRL_SELECT){
printf("Select pressed \n");
if (pad.Buttons & PSP_CTRL_LTRIGGER){
printf("L-trigger pressed \n");
if (pad.Buttons & PSP_CTRL_RTRIGGER){
printf("R-trigger pressed \n");
return 0;
I modify the code base on RemaPSP. I modify the
void overrideControls(SceCtrlData *pad_data)
function, left others.
I find out that when I call moduleHookFunc function like this:
ret = moduleHookFunc(&mainHookSave[x].modfunc, sceKernelSearchModuleByName(mainHookSave[x].modname), mainHookSave[x].libname, mainHookSave[x].nid, mainHookSave[x].func);
it always stop here( the red line next), and return 2, it seems no address found.
the moduleHookFunc function from the module.c,
u32 moduleHookFunc (ModuleFunc *modfunc, SceUID modid, const char *library, SceUID nid, void *func)
u32 *addr;
// Verify parameters
if ((!(modfunc)) || (!(library)) || (!(func))) return 1;
// Find address of function in entry table and get pointer in entry table
addr = moduleFindFunc(moduleFindLibrary(modid,library),nid);
// If not found
if (!(addr)) return 2;
// Copy address of function in structure
modfunc->addr = *addr;
// Find address of function in syscall table and get pointer in syscall table
modfunc->sysaddr = moduleFindSyscallFunc(modfunc->addr);
// If not found
if (!(modfunc->sysaddr)) return 3;
// Hook function (copy func address to syscall table, overwrite old func)
return moduleHookAddr(modfunc->sysaddr,(u32) func);
ret = moduleHookFunc(&mainHookSave[x].modfunc, sceKernelSearchModuleByName(mainHookSave[x].modname), mainHookSave[x].libname, mainHookSave[x].nid, mainHookSave[x].func);
it always stop here( the red line next), and return 2, it seems no address found.
the moduleHookFunc function from the module.c,
u32 moduleHookFunc (ModuleFunc *modfunc, SceUID modid, const char *library, SceUID nid, void *func)
u32 *addr;
// Verify parameters
if ((!(modfunc)) || (!(library)) || (!(func))) return 1;
// Find address of function in entry table and get pointer in entry table
addr = moduleFindFunc(moduleFindLibrary(modid,library),nid);
// If not found
if (!(addr)) return 2;
// Copy address of function in structure
modfunc->addr = *addr;
// Find address of function in syscall table and get pointer in syscall table
modfunc->sysaddr = moduleFindSyscallFunc(modfunc->addr);
// If not found
if (!(modfunc->sysaddr)) return 3;
// Hook function (copy func address to syscall table, overwrite old func)
return moduleHookAddr(modfunc->sysaddr,(u32) func);