What I get with PSP Link is:
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Exception - FPU Exception (IUV)
Thread ID - 0x04A7CD05
Th Name - user_main
Module ID - 0x00D97479
EPC - 0x08859A24
Cause - 0x1000003C
BadVAddr - 0x35400244
Status - 0x60088613
zr:0x00000000 at:0x2008FF00 v0:0x40000000 v1:0x1E000000
a0:0x08D359E8 a1:0x1E000001 a2:0x00000001 a3:0x40000000
t0:0x08D35970 t1:0x08D35CEC t2:0x08D35988 t3:0x00000000
t4:0x089CB860 t5:0x00003E0C t6:0x0885F6EC t7:0x20088600
s0:0x09FBFD68 s1:0x09FBFD64 s2:0x089D0000 s3:0x09FBFEE0
s4:0x00000019 s5:0x00000013 s6:0x09FBFD6C s7:0x092A8D64
t8:0x00000004 t9:0x00000000 k0:0x09FBFF00 k1:0x00000000
gp:0x089DE690 sp:0x09FBFD40 fp:0x092A8D50 ra:0x088214C8
0x08859A24: 0x4600783C '<x.F' - c.lt.s $fpr15, $fpr00
Resetting psplink
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psp-addr2line -f -e Apollonia_PSP.elf 0x0000003C
Digging into crt0_prx.c shows that line 67 has
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Does anyone have any experience with this issue? And is there any other information that I should be able to get from the crash dump? I get a lot of
I hope this isn't a difficult question, but I'm not holding my breath.