Id like to perform something similar to what CWCheat does, but in VSH mode...
How do I do that?
Do I simply make a pointer and increase it?
Very basic search, no DMA or anything - I just want to search for a certain value in RAM in areas where photo or video vsh modules are...
Searching RAM (in VSH mode)
Searching RAM (in VSH mode)
...sorry for my english...
You just need to declare a pointer to the user memory.
If you declare u32 pointer you can access each 4 bytes like an int.
If you declare a unsigned char you can access it one byte at a time.
Or you can just declare pointers for all data types. Its going to consume like a couple of bytes only :P and use each one where appropriate.
On the Slim the UBOUND for user memory will be different in VSH mode.
If you declare u32 pointer you can access each 4 bytes like an int.
If you declare a unsigned char you can access it one byte at a time.
Or you can just declare pointers for all data types. Its going to consume like a couple of bytes only :P and use each one where appropriate.
Code: Select all
unsigned char * umem = 0x8800000;
#define UBOUND 24*1024*1024;
umem[0] = byte1;
umem[1] = byte2;
umem[UBOUND] = byteat24MB;