I took a look into JGE render setup and everything that happens in the hello world sample.
Some things I found:
- The initial render setup is very rudimentary, a lot of modes aren't set explicitly. These include:
* GU_CULL_FACE and GU_CLIP_PLANES not disabled in 2D mode (but enabled, which is default anyway, in 3D mode)
* GU_COLOR_TEST, GU_ALPHA_TEST and GU_LIGHTING not disabled (though iirc they are disabled by default, still better to make it explicit)
* Most importantly: No depth buffer allocated, but GU_DEPTH_TEST not disabled and, what less people seem to know, depth writes (sceGuDepthMask(GU_TRUE)) not disabled! (On a side-note: sceGuDrawBuffer ALWAYS sets the depthbuffer to be drawbuffer+512*height*4 if it was not set before, which in the case of JGE will end up at the display buffer)
- JGfx.cpp includes both <vram.h> and <valloc.h>, which is wrong, since those are two alternative libraries to use (vram is faster, with more allocation size overhead, valloc is slower with as little as needed allocation overhead). Possibly both libraries are also linked in, so that should be changed too.
- JRenderer::Destroy() is not a safe destruction of all objects involved (see below)
Though those don't quite explain the double-pink-screen, those are points that should be fixed.
Regarding the new test method, which basically creates a new JRenderer every time SQUARE is pressed - the error is obviously, because the JRenderer::Destroy() function doesn't safely clean up everything, just calls sceGuTerm(). There's no freeing of allocated VRAM buffers, no freeing of allocated texture, vertices/object RAM.
This HAS TO cause some graphical glitch at some point.
Regarding the look of the graphical glitch: it actually looks a lot like if the screen got rendered in 16bit mode, but displayed as 32bit (gonna try that out with a test image to verify). Hence there's also a very small possibility that it's either a bug in sceGu library or maybe even the hardware (though I'd rather not assume that).
For starters, could you try the following:
in JRenderer::StartScene() at the end, add the following line:
Code: Select all
EDIT: A simple test has strengthened my assumption about the render format. I created a TGA file which was saved in 16bit (5551) at double height of the original image, filling the lower bottom with black (0).
Then i hex'ed the TGA file, so the header said it was actually 32bit (8888) at half height. The outcome is the same as the screenshots.
http://www.fx-world.org/images/test.tga (hex'ed image)
http://www.fx-world.org/images/test_orig.tga (unhex'ed image)
In case the line from above fixes the error, we can be sure that the problem is that the hardwares "render buffer format" (PSM) register is at some place overwritten with a value other than 3 (NOT the buffer format variable in the sceGu context, since that one is used every frame to set the display format through sceDisplaySetFrameBuf and obviously sets 32bit correctly).