File transfer using Linux USB?

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File transfer using Linux USB?

Post by mauibay »

Is anybody successfully using Linux to transfer files directly to the PSP over USB? Using Suse 9.2 here with hotplug enabled it connects file, but subfs doesn't seem to be using the right iocharset or something else is wonky. Even if I disable hotplug and manually mount the PSP as vfat, copied files change capitalization sometimes, and the PSP has so far refused to see any of the files I copy. Deletion works ok.

I suspect it's more of a mounting or filesystem issue than a USB communications issue, and couldn't find much of anything about people using Linux to talk to the PSP on google. It would be nice to not have to boot into windows just to transfer a file. :) Any advice?
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Post by mc »

I'm using the following fstab entry:

/dev/sda1 /psp vfat user,noauto 0 0

This works find for pictures, music and games. I haven't gotten it to work for movies though, so it might be related to the problem you're having.

As for captialization, the Linux vfat filesystem normally maps "short" filenames (8+3) to all lowercase when reading, although they are really always all uppercase. So if the memorystick contains a file called FOOBAR.XYZ (which will be stored as a shortname only), it will appear as in directory listings.

There is a mount option called "shortname=" which controls this which you might want to try playing around with. See the manpage for mount.
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Post by blackdroid »

uhm there is no problem in transfering movies, you just have to put them in the right dir.
talking to it through usbmass as usual. If you dont get it to work with linux use a real unix os :)
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Post by mauibay »

Here's my results copying files to the PSP using Linux:

If the MP4 file extension is not capitalized, the video does not appear in the list on the PSP. My successful mount options are "vfat,user,noauto,sync,posix,shortname=mixed" if I don't use posix, it never works, even if the MP4 extension displays in upper case. If I use any shortname option other than mixed, the extension displays lower case. I haven't had the extension display as lower case on Linux when the video appears in the PSP list.

Now I need to dig into my hotplug subfs options to see if I can get these mount options to default for whenever the PSP device is connected so I don't have to remount with these options each time.
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Post by TheDevilsJester »

I cant seem to properly transfer files to the PSP via linux. It recognizes the device, however the files either dont transfer or are corrupted after transfer. I can, however, transfer files via my Sony digital camera perfectly, using the same USB cable, the same fstab entry, and the same memory stick.

I drag and drop a file onto the memory stick and watch the PSP MS light flash while it is transfering (although I dont get a progress bar in konqueror, it just instantly shows the files in the new directory, thats very annoying), when the light stops flashing, I properly unmount and remove the device, the exact same proccess I use with my digital camera, however with the PSP as the reader/writer, many of the files end up corrupted (only tried with MP3's)...

Not a big issue since I have my digital camera I can use, but annoying nonetheless...
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Post by Pikoro »

you have to unmount before you exit usb mode on the psp or unplug the cable.

when you unmount, it syncs the filesystem, so when you unmount, there will be a few seconds of memory stick light blinking.

Then you can disconnect it.

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