I was suggested to post here also, the orginal thread is at
All the details are there, feel free to post here (or there) any question and feel free to PM or EMailing me about help.
Also are there any specific features that anyone wants? I was thinking about adding NSF support, would anyone enjoy that? I doubt anyone would use their ps2 for music but i never know.
Reminesce for ps2
I want to port my emulator Reminesce to the PS2.
I allready have a makefile working and i was able to compile all my code so far with only ps2 related errors (mostly linking). If anyone would like to help please PM me with your username and email.
I have written reminesce with portiblity in mind, It uses the nesten mappers which has very high compatibility (more then 100 mappers, may be near 200). I have ported the code to sdl last week which took a few hours and i plan to port it to ps2 in the next week or so.
Accuracy is good (the Crystalis screen doesn't shake like mad unlike most emu's) which will be updated soon when i finish my nesTest rom. Every update will be compatible with the ps2 code so updating the ps2 code after every release is not needed (just compile and release). Sound is use through blarggs sound core, if you know blargg or heard of him. you will know its very good sound.
What needs to be done is the ps2 load up screen with a menu to select the game, a way to load the header and game. A polygoon scretched to 640x480 with a bmp that is 256x240 16 or 32 bits that is fed into the render code. And a way to playback sound (PCM 44100, 16 bits).
If you have a question please post, if you want to port it to a system other then PS2 PM me about it. Some pictures of the win32 code (which cannot be ported, its all extra's) can be found here.
Also if you want to preview some code you can find some here
NOTE: This source is out of date, the SDL sample is a lot clearer since it doesnt have any extra's.
You can find me in #ps2dev on ef, i'll try to visit as often as i can.
His mention of "NESten" and "Crystalis" (A NES RPG) indicates that he's talking about an emulator for at least the NES platform, although it remains unclear if it also handles others. I believe it is a pure NES emulator though, considering his project name: RemiNESce.gorim wrote:Sounds cool.
What is it ?
Best regards: dlanor
You could probably even get together and talk it over in person, he seems to be using the same computer as you and everything! ;)gorim wrote:Great!
Hey Bluehawk, there is another person called "zooka" joining Efnet #ps2dev wanting help on his NES emulator port. Maybe y'all can get together and team up on this, help each other out. :)
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