PS2Dev Forum Shopping

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PS2Dev Forum Shopping

Post by Guest »

[in the firm belief no single forum should be dormant for 3 months...]

One wonders if the PS2Dev website can kill many birds by opening up a store! Just think of the possibilities!
  • 1. Support PS2Dev efforts by making hw tools easier to get!
    2. Limit the number of postings by people who have difficulty figuring it out for themselves!
    3. Help avoid the spread of piracy by removing the need for modchips and dodgy softwares like cdgenps2!
    4. Make money to support the PS2Dev websites!
    5. Bring PS2Dev into the modern world by commercializing and capitalizing on the fantastic marketing opportunities available!

Examples of goods that can be forsale:
  • 1. Pre-exploited memory cards loaded with Ps2link or flukes stuff
    2. EE-SIO kits : pre-made max circuit board and the necessary additional wires w/instructions for soldering your mainboard.
    - additional options add USB-serial adaptor to the package
    3. USB cables for naplink
    4. CD's with CVS snapshots, and prebuilt binaries of compiler toolchains!
    5. Bumper stickers:
    • Will Dev for Food
      Don't warez on me!
      Tubgirl Rules!
    6. Authentic autographed photos of tubgirl
    7. Premium Global PS2Dev services
    • a. $2000 flat cost with daily beer allowance
      b. A member of the PS2Dev community will personally travel to your home/business location to perform the following:
      • i. Install EE-SIO device
        ii. Provide exploited memory cards
        iii. Train in their usage
        iv. Provide training on compiling cvs snapshots
        v. Configure #ps2dev irc client software
      c. For an additional $10000 you can also meet tubgirl in person
This is the proposed business plan. Are there any interested investors ?

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Post by pixel »

Hugh, it takes time to prepare such a troll. Seems you have time to loose gorim :p
pixel: A mischievous magical spirit associated with screen displays. The computer industry has frequently borrowed from mythology. Witness the sprites in computer graphics, the demons in artificial intelligence and the trolls in the marketing department.
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Post by ooPo »

He's just trying to 'legitimize' his relationship with tubgirl as merely professional.

Nagra's going to be angry!
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Post by soks »

Woot. *bump*


Anyways, w/ the exploit not working on new PS2 models... would it be wrong to sell booting discs also? (gets umbrella to protect from flying bricks)
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Post by Drakonite »

If we ignore whether it is right or wrong, we ignore any possible legal issues, and we ignore the possible techincal problems (we are ignoring a LOT of stuff by now) it still wouldn't be a good idea financially. All the money would have to be paid upfront, and IMO it's doubful to break even.

...And then you stop ignoring all the other problems and you start thinking it wouldn't be worth it ;)
Shoot Pixels Not People!
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