Eboots to elf / or fxe to elf

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Eboots to elf / or fxe to elf

Post by Bjyounggotti »

Im new here but ive been tinkering around to see if its possible to convert a psp eboot ( homebrew games ) to .elf or by doing the same with a fxe file and i was wondering if anyonew could help me
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Joined: Tue May 23, 2006 11:45 pm

Post by SSpeare »

What is your goal exactly? I'm not too familiar with psp homebrew.

It's not possible to "convert" an executable that runs on the PSP to run on the PS2. That's like trying to "convert" an application built for Windows to run on a Mac, or something like that.

You can build the same application on both, but a lot of the underlying code will be different. It would have to be planned from the beginning.

What is an fxe file?
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