I've just finished a port (err... compile, I only had to change about 3 lines) of TagLib. TagLib is a library used to extract the meta data from various media formats. A while back I needed something like this, but did not know where to look.
To configure:
Code: Select all
CC=psp-gcc CPP=psp-cpp LIBS="-L$(psp-config --pspsdk-path)/lib -lpspdebug -lpspsdk -lc -lpspuser -lpspkernel" CXX=psp-g++ AR=psp-ar STRIP=psp-strip LD=psp-ld RANLIB=psp-ranlib \
./configure --host=x86-unknown-linux-gnu --libdir=$(psp-config --psp-prefix)/lib --includedir=$(psp-config --psp-prefix)/include --prefix=$(psp-config --psp-prefix)
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
make install
Source code:
By the way, the replacements of the strdup's might not have been necessary, but I could not locate the header that included strdup. Also, I was unable to find a ftruncate equivalent, and did not want to write my own, so it is commented out. It seems that it is only used in the mpeg part of the library. Maybe someone else can do this.
TagLib also includes its own C++ library with useful class such as string, bytearray, file, etc.
Note: Only reading tags of MP3's was tested.