vfpu.txt - can we add this file or equivalent in svn repo ?
vfpu.txt - can we add this file or equivalent in svn repo ?
Can we add this file in the SVN repositary ? so that some people may modify it when needed for completion : description of instructions, cycles if found (I'm thinking about Raphael's findings), what they do. Being the only one to edit this list is not the right solution, I think. :/
Good idea. I already started adding my cycle counts to a local copy of the document. I wanted to release it when I have done all ops cycle counts. Having it in SVN would make it much easier to add changes while still keeping it up to date with other additions.
<Don't push the river, it flows.>
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Alexander Berl
http://wordpress.fx-world.org - my devblog
http://wiki.fx-world.org - VFPU documentation wiki
Alexander Berl