(Help) Threading/Bootstrapping the XMB with a prx or eboot

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(Help) Threading/Bootstrapping the XMB with a prx or eboot

Post by a_noob »

Ok well im have made a prx that launches homebrew from a predefined shortcut and directory. I would like to be able if possible to have it boot strap load the game instead of terminating the Xmb and starting the game so i could have the end user hot swap between their game and the xmb. (like irshell game and shell switching.) I have read a few things like loading the prx at low addresses. But how do i load the homebrew game at a particular adress without exiting the xmb? Note this is mainly for 2.71 Se-C but if you have a solution for any fw that would be fine.

Thanx in advance.

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